About Us

- Thomas -

I was born in 1967 right here in Decatur, AL. My Dad hung up lights as did most of my neighbors. Back then everyone seemed more into that sort of thing generally. My Dad was creative with his hands and that influenced me. I guess that is where I picked up my habit for projects and doing things myself rather than hire it out. I have made a snowmaker, built a canoe, built a couple of dulcimers and several cigar box guitars along with many other construction projects. Since 2008, I have been animating lights to music for the 4th of July, Halloween and Christmas. Although of late, I have focused on the show for Christmas. I like cycling, kayaking, camping, fishing, movies and TV shows, building and flying radio control model airplanes (Decatur Model Airplance Club and RCRC in Huntsville).

- Tonya -

Tonya was born in 1976; yes she is a bit younger than me. It may be when I am 65-70 that she has to hang the Christmas lights for a grumpy, old man. Tonya likes to exercise and blog, take pictures with her fancy Nikon digital camera. Tonya is also creative and works on her own unique projects from time to time. She is an awesome Mom and does all the right things to be a kind and giving person. She is also extremely funny and beautiful on both the inside and out.